Anthropometric Study of Growth Pattern of Cephalometric Variables Among Young Males of Bini Ethnic Group of Nigeria

Department of Anatomy, School of Basic Medical Sci
*Ezeuko, V. C., Onyema, O. T. and Ighalo, E. E
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Recieved Date: December, 2020; Accepted Date: December, 2020; Published Date: December, 2020

Background: There is paucity of data in the growth of head dimensions among Nigerian children in general and Bini children in particular. This study is aimed at investigating the growth pattern of cephalometric variables among Bini males aged between five and 24 years. Materials and method: A total number of four hundred and fifty (450) Bini male subjects aged between 5 and 24 years with no history of trauma, surgery, or craniofacial syndromes were recruited for this study. The head length was measured from the glabella to the inion; the head breadth was measured as the maximum transverse diameter between two fixed point over the parietal bones. Head circumference was measured with flexible tape placed around the subject’s head across the frontal bones, slightly above the eyebrows, perpendicular to the long axis of the face, above the ears and over the occipital prominence at the back of the head. Cephalic index was calculated as: Cephalic index = head length?head breadth × 100. Results: The result showed head length with a mean of 184.17±0.40; head breadth with a mean of 143.32±0.34; head circumference with a mean of 540.20±1.00 and cephalic index with a mean of 77.88±0.16. The most frequent head shape is mesocephaly while the least frequent head shape is hyperbrachycephaly. Head length, breadth and circumference increase with age within the age range studied. Conclusion: This study established that the predominant head shape among Bini males aged between 5 and 24 years is mesocephalic while the least dominant is hyperbrachycephalic.

Keywords: head length, head breadth, head circumference, cephalic index, Bini ethnic group
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